Miss Earth 2011 Contestant

Miss Earth 2011 Contestant - MISS BELIZE EARTH 2011 - Kimberly Robateau's Photo & Profile/Interview

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Birth Name: Kimberly Robateau
Birth Date: (age 22)
Birth Place: Belize City
Height: 1.72 m (5 ft 7 1⁄2 in)
Measurements: 81-66-92
Hair color:
Eye color:
Major Competition(s):
Miss Earth 2011



What environmental project will you create to promote the protection of Mother Earth and why?

Garbage disposal is a growing environmental problem affecting Belize and the world. To help alleviate this situation, I would implement a recycling program focusing on all areas of society, that is home, school and business and educate Belizeans on the benefits of recycling; the main reason being waste management. Currently only plastic bottles are recycled in Belize and even so this is not done on a large scale. If we can encourage each citizen to recycle: paper, plastic, glass, and metal we will reduce waste and make Mother Earth a little bit cleaner, one country at a time.

What makes you proud of the country you are representing, and what can you promote about your country?

In promoting Belize, I will focus on the fact that we can offer a range of diverse tourism related activities within a 24 hour period. Such custom designed can cover interest in areas of marine life, Rain Forest, flora and fauna, history and culture, archeology and adventure to name a few. Our wealth of natural resources combined with our geographical size and make-up are the main contributing factors in making this possible. Hence, I can proudly boast of our great Barrier Reef, the second largest in the world, our Blue Hole, a world class destination for recreational divers. Mayan Ruins, rich Rain Forest, untapped ecological systems, hundreds of Cayes, and of course our blend of diverse ethnic cultures and warm friendly people; all this can be experience in one day.

Describe your childhood/growing years.

My childhood years were very adventurous. My memories include adventurous times on the seashore catching crabs and sea turtles. My family traveled quite frequently into the countryside as well, and my memories are filled with the brilliant colors of farm life, with beautiful floras, agile reptiles and birds and of course the tranquil sound of the surrounding environment. Even though I come from a family where love abounded to the point where I felt overprotected, looking back I now realize that as a child I was still given opportunity to explore and experience the world in a protective setting. My childhood years were filled with fun activities such as camp life, family travel, spiritual empowerment and love.

What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?

One of the most powerful lessons I learnt from my childhood years is to be appreciative of what we have despite how limited it may be. There is a saying which my grandfather constantly reiterate to us that “ whenever you complain about not having a suitable shoe to wear, you must remember there’s people who do not have feet to wear a shoe” As the bible says, “In all things we should give thanks.” Another important lesson which was instilled in me is that we should never forget our roots; where we come from. This is important for me in many ways. I come from a family of humble upbringing and abundance of love, respect for others and support of extended family. I learn that someone always has it worst than I do.

What is your most memorable moment?

I can recall as a child, I was about six years old, when I went with my family on a fishing trip to Moho; one of Belize’s many small uninhabited cayes off the shore of the mainland. We were swimming when a school of dolphins came in close proximity to where we were. I can still recall vividly the excitement of such an awesome experience. Looking back now, I realize just how truly blessed we are in Belize.

What is your environmental advocacy?

My environmental advocacy is to remain an active steward of the environment by advocating with governments to include an Environmental Studies program in their educational curriculum at the primary level of education.

This can have a positive effect on citizens by indirectly encouraging them to play an active role in preserving the environment. Such roles and responsibilities will include a continuous awareness campaign. Having Environmental Studies as a subject from early childhood at an educational level is important because children live what they learn and for change to take effect it is important that it is practices in the everyday-day lives of each citizen. Generally, the importance of environmental issues is mostly linked to the forefront of tourism, at the tertiary level of education and to a handful of Environmental Agencies. By doing this we will not only enhance our knowledge, but we will become proud citizens by promoting and preserving our environment for generations to come.


Special thanks to Wikipedia & www.pinoyexchange.com/ & www.missearth.tv

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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