Miss Earth 2011 Contestant

Miss Earth 2011 Contestant - MISS BRAZIL EARTH 2011 - Driely Bennettone's Photos & Profile/Biography/Interview

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Birth Name: Driely Bennettone
Birth Date: (age 21)
Birth Place: Sao Paulo
Height: 1.84 m (6 ft 1⁄2 in)
Measurements: 90-64-94
Hair color:
Eye color:
Major Competition(s):
Miss Earth 2011



What environmental project will you create to promote the protection of Mother Earth and why?

My project consists of creating regular programs in schools that will involve taking care of Mother Earth. I would like schools to teach sustainability theories along with the usual subjects, like Math, Science and Language. With the youth of Brazil educated on environmental awareness, we our sector of sustainable growth will develop. We must get all citizens involved in protecting the environment, by educating them on the importance of nurturing nature, people and animals. If education begins when the citizens are young, then the reality of an eco-friendly society will be achieved faster.

What makes you proud of the country you are representing, and what can you promote about your country?

I am proud of my country because not only do we have a rich biodiversity, we have a variety of cultures as well. Though the people of my country are very happy, they work very hard and are very serious about making our country a true force worldwide.

I would like to promote the beauty of our beaches, rivers, forests and the many diverse species of birds we have living in our country, as shown by the popular animated film, “Rio”. I am also proud of the efforts we have done to preserve our rich nature and endangered species of animals.

Describe your childhood/growing years

My childhood was like the life of an adult because I had to take care of my home. I did house work, took care of my younger sister, cooked for her, washed her clothes and also studied.

My mother had to work all day. She was alone so I had to take care of the house until she arrived, but I liked taking care of my house. I think it made me grow up and mature sooner. Today, even though I'm only a girl of 22 years, I have the experiences of a woman of 30 years. All the work that I have done was a great learning experience and I thank my mother for everything.

What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?

I learned that we must always help others. I learned to overcome my fears. I learned about the value and importance of nature and that nothing comes for free. I learned that we should always look for our dreams and never give up on making them come true.

What is your most memorable moment?

My most memorable moment was when I left home to live alone in the city of Sao Paulo when I was 15 years old. I followed my dream of becoming a model while continuing my studies so that I can be a complete, well-rounded professional. I'm very happy because I have achieved my goals, and as we speak, my career is blossoming. My dreams are becoming a reality.

What is your environmental advocacy?

I think we must have a strong attitude concerning environmental preservation. If we all do our parts, we can change the world. Education and awareness are fundamental. We can start by teaching others about the small things that we can do to help our environment, while also living those lessons out as a role model to the youth. For example, being responsible with how we consume water, wasting less plastic products, walking instead of using cars, etc. These are simple things that everyone can do and if these things are done correctly, our environmental situation will certainly improve.


Special thanks to Wikipedia & www.pinoyexchange.com/ & www.missearth.tv

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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