Miss Earth 2011 Contestant

Miss Earth 2011 Contestant - MISS JAMAICA EARTH 2011 - Kerry Moxam's Photos & Profile/Interview

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Birth Name: Kerry Moxam
Birth Date: (age 23)
Birth Place: Kingston
Height: 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in)
Measurements: 91-61-91
Hair color:
Eye color:
Major Competition(s):
Miss Earth 2011



What environmental project will you create to promote the protection of Mother Earth and why?

I would start off with a project that I can embark on immediately and then tackle the bigger ones after I have garnered the support of many. My primary focus would be on recycling of all products that can be recycled, reforestation, as well as costal coastal protection. While this may seem like a large task to take on I believe that it can be achieved and be done concurrently with the support of my fellow human beings. The environment, mother Earth has been too good to us, let us protect her.

What makes you proud of the country you are representing, and what can you promote about your country?

In every way imaginable, I am proud to be Jamaican, proud to represent this land we love; honoured to call it my home. I truly feel like the luckiest girl when I look at the wonderful and exciting opportunities to be an advocate for the cause of the environment, for being given an opportunity to enlighten my country to protect mother Earth by doing our part.

My country is indeed a small one compared to many, but when we look at how culturally rich and gifted we are, I truly feel blessed. I would firstly promote the warm and welcoming nature of my people, we are very hospitable. I would love to give to the world a little piece of my paradise by encouraging them to visit. To see our amazingly beautiful beaches, our picturesque mountains, to taste our blue mountain coffee, smell the aroma of our rum, come and meet our athletes, our singers and musicians, poets and writers who are so talented. While Jamaica has such magnificent beauty it is the heart of my fellow Jamaicans that always win the hearts of our visitors, and that is something I would love to share with the world. Come the Jamaica, "Once you go, you know."

Describe your childhood/growing years.

My childhood experience was one filled with love and kindness from my family and friends which taught me the value of human kindness and love for all; it was a very adventurous and fun filled one. Growing up I always wanted to do what the boys did, even if it was riding a bicycle for a mile, going camping, or going fishing you could count me in! I loved fishing as a child and still do, I remember catching my first king fish, now that was a day for celebration. Growing up in rural Jamaica, on the south coast at a very quiet, tranquil and serene place is the Tourist and Fishing community of Treasure Beach. It was here that I developed my passion for volunteerism and the protection of the beaches through beach cleanup projects and informing every adult in sight at any opportune time of the importance of protecting the beach which so many of us depend on; I was only 7 years old when I started volunteering.

What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?

Growing up I learned the value of human kindness and sincere love for all, and that's something I truly cherish and thank my parents, and family members for. I say thanks to them for showing me such loving kindness and the importance of family that I too could grow up with these values. From an early age I learned the importance of protecting our environment as I was a volunteer at my school from age 7, our school partnered with the Peace Corps and that gave us a chance to get involved in planting trees at different schools, beach cleanup projects and the protection of the beach and the animal life such as protecting sea turtles.

What is your most memorable moment?

My most memorable moment in recent times is being crowned Miss Jamaica Earth. Being an ambassador for my country is such an honour, it's such a surreal feeling and to be an advocate for the cause of the environment has always been a passion for me. While I am very excited there is a sense of purpose in the midst.

I view being an advocate for environmental awareness and protection as a position that exemplifies the all that is wonderful about our lives especially when we work together as a unit for something so important, so precious- Earth. It says to all out there, only if we take care of this beautiful gift that we are given, will it take care of us.

I am now creating awareness about Miss Earth. The expectation of everyone is high because Jamaica has a history of doing well in other pageant but has never placed at Miss Earth. So I am looking forward to taking back the crown to Jamaica as a present for our 50th Anniversary as an independent nation.

What is your environmental advocacy?

Being involved in Public Relations, I would embark on an educational message of taking responsibility as an attempt to effectively spread the word and remind everyone of our responsibilities. I would start in the schools by informing the students of the importance of recycling, reforestation and coastal protection. Jamaica and other countries of the Caribbean region experience storms and hurricanes annually. So many persons are flooded out yearly when the drains are blocked by items not disposed of properly and persons even losing their lives. In areas where many trees were cut down those people experienced landslide whenever it rains heavily. Marine life in our coastal areas is destroyed by debris that is not disposed of properly by persons. What this neglect does in also cause additional expense for the governments; this is money that could be spent otherwise. So my message from the school to the government level of my country is that we have to be responsible as the environment is everybody's business if we destroy it we are destroying ourselves too.

Vociferously I would enlighten my country and the rest of the world of the importance of having trees as they are so invaluable to our existence; they produce oxygen that we so desperately depend on, and they help to minimize flooding, minimize soil erosion caused by natural disasters. They provide food for humans and animals, they provide that cool breeze we so long for especially on a hot summer day, trees beautify the environs and so much more.


Special thanks to Wikipedia & www.pinoyexchange.com/ & www.missearth.tv

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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